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Micronode is an Open Source initiative that delivers Open Source projects and guidelines for how to manage both Open Source and Inner Source teams.


Contributing to Open Source software can provide valuable experience and insights into software delivery in any context. Many of the key principles employed by organisations today were founded in Open Source projects.

Concepts such as loose coupling, tight cohesion, and separation of concerns have all been instrumental in maintaining large software projects, and are especially important for Open Source which can have additional challenges such as a globally distributed workforce and non-sequential contributions.

Open Source was also a precursor to Agile software delivery, with the mantra "Release early, release often" becoming a guiding principle for all Open Source projects. As a result, Open Source has lead they way with release versioning, automation strategies and tooling, to assist with the regular maintenance of software releases.

Micronode is a reference for key principles and guidelines that can help with a better software delivery experience for both software teams and customers.