Managing Bedrock State
The Terraform state for blueprints is maintained in an AWS S3 bucket.
Migrating blueprints
Occasionally you may have a need to migrate existing state to a new blueprint key. The following instructions demonstrate how to do this:
Ensure the old blueprint state is locally updated:
$ blueprint <old_blueprint_id> [-t <old_blueprint_tag>]
Rename the blueprint state on the filesystem:
$ mv ~/.bedrock/<old_blueprint_id>/<old_blueprint_tag> ~/.bedrock/<new_blueprint_id>/<new_blueprint_tag>
Initialise the new blueprint state using Terraform
option:$ TF_ARGS=-force-copy blueprint <new_blueprint_id> [-t <new_blueprint_tag>]
NOTE: If you don't provide a blueprint tag the default tag will be the same as the blueprint id.