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Table of Blueprints

Blueprint Description Category
apachesling-server Apache Sling VM compute Compute
apachesolr-server Apache Solr VM compute Compute
aws-backup AWS Backup Plan persistence Persistence
aws-batch AWS Batch Job compute Compute
aws-budgets AWS Budgets monitoring Monitoring
aws-cdk AWS CDK orchestration Orchestration
aws-chime AWS Chime Notifications network Network
aws-cloudfront AWS CloudFront network Network
aws-cloudwatch AWS CloudWatch monitoring Monitoring
aws-codebuild AWS CodeBuild orchestration Orchestration
aws-cognito AWS Cognito security Security
aws-config AWS Config Rules security Security
aws-dynamodb AWS DynamoDB Tables persistence Persistence
aws-ec2 AWS EC2 AutoScaling compute Compute
aws-ecr AWS ECR Repositories persistence Persistence
aws-ecs AWS ECS Clusters compute Compute
aws-iam AWS IAM Users security Security
aws-lambda AWS Lambda compute Compute
aws-rds AWS RDS Databases persistence Persistence
aws-route53 AWS Route53 Zones network Network
aws-s3 AWS S3 Buckets persistence Persistence
aws-ses AWS SES network Network
aws-sns AWS SNS Topics network Network
aws-spotfleet AWS SpotFleet Clusters compute Compute
aws-ssm AWS SSM Resource Groups orchestration Orchestration
aws-vpc AWS VPC Subnets network Network
awstats-server AWStats VM monitoring Monitoring
azure-container Azure Containerisation compute Compute
bastion-aws Bastion Host for AWS network Network
bastion-do Bastion Host for Digital Ocean network Network
bastion-openstack Bastion Host for OpenStack network Network
cdn-endpoint CDN Endpoint Configuration network Network
dns-alias DNS ALIAS Record network Network
dns-domain DNS Domain Configuration network Network
dns-record DNS Record Configuration network Network
dns-redirect DNS Redirect Configuration network Network
docker-engine Docker VM compute Compute
elasticsearch-cluster ElasticSearch Cluster compute Compute
encryption-key PKI Encryption Key security Security
encryption-tls PKI TLS Certificate security Security
feed-subscription Manage Feed Subscriptions application Application
firewall-egress Firewall Egress Rules network Network
firewall-ingress Firewall Ingress Rules network Network
grafana-cloudwatch Grafana CloudWatch Integration monitoring Monitoring
hashicorp-vault Hashicorp Vault VM security Security
kubenetes-cluster Kuberbetes Cluster compute Compute
kubenetes-service Kuberbetes Service compute Compute
netdata-ecs Netdata ECS Daemon Service monitoring Monitoring
network-private Private Networking network Network
nginx-reverseproxy NGINX Reverse Proxy VM network Network
nginx-vhost NGINX Virtual Host Configuration network Network
orientdb-graph OrientDB Graph DB VM persistence Persistence
rancher-env Rancher Environment Configuration orchestration Orchestration
rancher-server Rancher Server VM compute Compute
rancher-stack Rancher Stack Configuration orchestration Orchestration
squidproxy-aws Squid Proxy VM network Network
storage-block Block Storage (Volume) Configuration persistence Persistence
storage-bucket Bucket Storage (Object) Configuration persistence Persistence
storage-file File Storage Tools persistence Persistence
swapfile-linux Swapfile Configuration compute Compute